The Bratmeister Bobbleheads

  • Sale
  • $40.00

Order your bobblehead of The Bratmeister before it's too late. The bobblehead is a replica of the 9-foot-tall inflatable Brat Days mascot. The bobblehead was released in conjunction with the return of Brat Days, which is taking place Friday and Saturday, August 2nd and 3rd at Kiwanis Park in Sheboygan. The special edition bobblehead is being produced by the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum in conjunction with the Sheboygan Jaycees as a fundraiser for the organization that presents Brat Days. 

  • In stock and ships now (unless noted)
  • Bobbleheads are high quality and produced by the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum
  • 8 inches tall
  • Original version was individually numbered to 100. The second version is individually numbered to 2,024.



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