Blatz Bobblehead

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  • $30.00

This bobblehead features the Blatz mascot. The Blatz Brewing Company was one of Milwaukee’s industrial brewing giants. In 1851, when a Bavarian immigrant named Valentin Blatz founded the Milwaukee brewery that would eventually bear his name, he was part of a community of brewers whose lagers and pilsners would soon make the city’s name synonymous with beer. In 1875, Blatz was the first Milwaukee brewery to have a bottling department to package beer and ship nationally. The company operated from 1851 to 1959, when it was purchased by Pabst Brewing Company. Blatz is currently produced by the Miller Brewing Company of Milwaukee, under contract for Pabst Brewing Company. Two famous Blatz/Milwaukee beer marketing slogans were "Blatz – Milwaukee's Finest Beer" and "Blatz – Milwaukee's Favorite Premium Beer.” The bobblehead is officially licensed by the Pabst Brewing Company.

  • In stock and ships now
  • Bobble is high quality and produced by the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum
  • Approximately 6 inches tall
  • Individually numbered to 2,024



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